Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Business Card

Rodan + Fields

Work from Home Momma
 I am now what I like to refer to as a multi-tasker.  I am a stay at home Momma with a second job. (Because being a stay at home Momma is a HUGE job; lets get that settled first and foremost.) Unfortunately, only one pays in actual cash, the other sloppy kisses!

Does the name sound familiar? Proactiv might be the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear those names mentioned.  And you'd be correct! The Doctors who created Proactiv have many other skin care treatments available.  Are you surprised?  I was too!

Let me share with you a brief overview of the regimens -

Soothe - Made for people with sensitive skin, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Unblemish- Made for people with acne, and acne scars.

Redefine- Made for people with sagging skin, wrinkles and enlarged pores.

Reverse- Made for people with sun damaged skin, brown spots and melasma.

But wait....
There's MORE!!!

Of course there's more! Eye creams, enhancement tools, lip treatments, etc...

The two most important items you'll need to remember are:
1. Each item has a 60 day money back guarantee (empty bottle or not)
2. You can get any of the products immediately shipped to your home by going to

Please leave me a comment if you have any questions!
And if you'd like to join me on this journey, you can email me at: aprilkraft@gmail.com

Jumping into this business is no risk! You can join for as little as $45 dollars, you do not need to have or build up stock at your home, and you do not need to host parties at random strangers homes to earn money.  The products speak for themselves because they work!
And, there is a 60 day money back guarantee on joining the business as well!

If you were waiting for a sign, this is it.  I know I was.  Take an opportunity when you see one coming, or else someone will take it right from you!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blogging about it

As I mentioned before, I love to read/research and explore. What better place to find stuff than on the web - blogs in particular! Here are some awesome blogs/bloggers who have inspired me to go forth with my own blog. I read these as often as they post:

Little Baby Garvin - Nothing better than a straight to the point, no nonsense, hilarious woman who also happens to be the Momma to a beautiful girl, Harper. You will find beautiful pictures, reviews on products, product suggestions, recipes (mmmm, iced coffee), and chalkboard art here. Take a moment and admire her free hand chalkboards, then go to her Etsy site and buy a print! And if you want to become best friends with Jessica after reading her blog, then you'll have to get in line with everyone else!

Live A Little Wilder - Another creative Momma to follow here! She's a hands on crafting Momma of one sweet boy. If you like Pinterest, you'll love looking here for step by step projects and recipes. Sarah crafts items beautifully, then even shows you where she put it up in her house, or how to decorate with it. Also, look here for book reviews and suggestions. 

Raddest Mom - Lisa is truly a rad mom! I love all of her tips on handmade, organic, healthy items for body, baby, and dinner. She also gives great suggestions for toys, books and other homeopathic ways of living. Lisa has helped me expand my views on essential oils and Coconut oil.

Kendi Everyday - Clothes, fashion, shopping, reviews and suggestions here. As well as straight up inspiration to use what you already have in your own closet. Kendi mixes it up quite literally. I think I've only ever see her wear the same outfit once, and that's only because she posted it. I've been inspired by her previous monthly challenges of grabbing a few staple items from your closet and only using them for 30 days; making a new outfit daily. Try it out if you're up for the challenge, if not, peep all of her items online and buy them. She so kindly tells you where each piece is from. 

Under The Sycamore - Ever wonder what a super Momma looks like? Wonder no more; her name is Ashley Ann!  She is a mother of five children; four of her own, one recently adopted. I started following Ashley Ann a few months ago when my friend was going through the adoption process. It was so wonderful to read about the process, and how excited her family was.  She is also a great photographer and craft inspiration-ist (I know it's not a word!)

Pioneer Woman - Food and humor; a winning combo! I've made many recipes from Ree that were absolutely delicious. Word to the wise: most of her recipes are comfort food. Eat and enjoy!

I'm sure you can see a theme here - food Mommas!
Is refreshing to read that you're not alone in some of the obstacles you hit as an adult, a Momma, and an amature chef.
Leave me a comment with your favorite blogs so I can become a fan as well.
